Monday, March 18, 2019

Some Thoughts

  I've been thinking about writing this for a while. As my dad used to say "the road to hell is paved with good intentions." I've been more motivated lately than I've been in a long time. I'm not sure if it's because I was diagnosed with diabetes, or if it's because I got treated for diabetes, or if it's because I feel better because I'm eating better and exercising. I wanted to do a good topic for my fans on here, but nothing has really jumped out at me.So, here's some random thoughts and observations. And, of course, there'll be art at the end.

  • I bought a nice pencil with the intention of getting back in to pencil drawing. It's a Caran d'Ache. It cost me six dollars and it's the first really nice pencil I've used. It's worth every penny I spent on it. I did just realize it was "d'Ache" at the end. For the past thirty plus years I've thought it was "d'Arch". 
  • I'm putting all my daily paintings in order and doing a book. All of my year plus paintings in order so you can see how I evolved over those thirteen months. I'm shocked and saddened at how hard it was to do this, due in large part to my lack of organization. I'm about 130 paintings in and I've had to download seven that weren't in my file, which means they weren't in my DeviantART online portfolio. Also found one that wasn't accounted for, but I managed to get it in without too much effort. This is more work than I had hoped it would be.
  • My wife convinced me to do the #100HeadChallenge. 100 heads drawn in ten days. I figured it would be a good chance to use my fancy new pencil. It has, however turned out to be more stressful than I thought. I'm ahead of schedule, but I find it hard to find ten (or more) heads that inspire me every day. 
  • I have my studio almost all set up, but now realize there are things I'd like to tweak. May or may not happen.
  • My wife bought me an easel for my birthday last December. A very thoughtful present and has helped my mood immensely. I wanna paint, I just slide my chair over four feet and grab a brush.
  • I used to always say I could paint faces every day for the rest of my life and not get bored. I think I'm proving that to be true.
  • I used to hear about gel pens and it would make me think of teenage girls drawing in their secret diaries, however I bought a white one to use to put white over my black ink drawings. I wish I had found out about that nonsense years ago. 
I'm sure I had more to say, but I didn't write any notes for this. So, there may be a Part 2. Anyway, here's art:

Here's a page from my book. Maybe it will help me make some sales:
In case you wanna make a donation to the cause: link