Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Why Are Some Paintings Left Unfinished?

  Well, as always, I can't speak for everyone, but I can speak for myself. Well, write really, but, you know. My studio rehab is uncovering lots of forgotten artwork. I probably do a couple hundred paintings a year, and it's been several years since I've sorted through some of my things. So, you know, the potential is for several hundred paintings to see the light of day after a long rest. I suppose they would find it worthwhile if, say, someone bought them and hung them in a prominent place in their home. Just sayin'. (Feel guilty? I can ease your conscience for cheap. Email me and we'll talk. Well, maybe not talk, but, you know, write back and forth). I came across this one:
It's a watercolor I started several years ago (2009?) and never finished. I can't remember what I was going for here. I really like what I've done so far. I was gonna put something on the other side, but, what? At this point I'll probably crop out the white part and make a watercolor painting of a...boy? A girl? My memory is no help for this. I also found this:
You could make a case that this one is finished, but I think otherwise. What was I gonna do? No idea. I like this one the way it is, so, it's likely done now. But, what masterpiece could it have been? No clue.
   Why are they unfinished? I may have lost motivation. I may have lost reference photos. Life may have gotten in the way. It happens. Sometimes I find unfinished works and get a spark of inspiration and finish them in a grand style. Here are a couple of examples:

 Sometimes a great wave of inspiration washes over me and something great appears in my head. Sometimes the muse just leaves me hanging and the idea is lost.
   I've also had some other unfortunate things happen to me in the past couple of days. I posted two recently completed pieces:

I posted them, to rave reviews, on Facebook. I got inquiries into the sizes and the prices. I can likely make two sales and boost my morale. The problem? I don't know where they are. I just photographed them a few days ago. Two of the others I from the same batch stare at me (likely wondering why no one wants to give them a forever home (feel at least a little guilty?)). No clue as to the rest. Somehow my reorganization is not getting the job done. #ArtistProblems

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