Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Here's What I'm Thinking

   I'm painting regular, organizing myself and my thoughts, working on my good art habits. Except for the whole blogging-every-week thing. Sorry. I was thinking about you all. I just didn't have much to tell you. I made a list of my most important things to get done. A lot of business end stuff, but I made sure to put some "creating jobs". One of them was listed as "portrait with two faces", which is how I wrote down my idea for a painting with two separate faces in it. Not next to each other, but overlapping. Both being in the exact same space. I've toyed with the idea before:

I just want to do it with faces. I've been kinda rattled lately, so i thought "this would be a good project to start to kinda let me cut loose". I went to pick out some faces to puzzle piece together, but nothing seemed to look right. I did start a two face painting though:

Okay, either it looks better in real life, or I'm just looking a few steps ahead, because this picture isn't doing it justice. I've done a wash of blue over it since this picture. Something about it tells me blues and purples. I can never go wrong by listening to my art.


Tuesday, June 13, 2017

I Keep Forgetting To Include A Title

  I didn't get as many page views on my last blog. I'm not gonna lie, it hurt my feelings. I felt like I was making progress on getting a following on here. Perhaps I was doing too much of the same thing. Who knows? Probably everyone but me. It hasn't stopped me from creating. I have done this recently:
  Of course, I'm having a love/hate relationship with this one. The love is starting to outweigh the hate, so I've got that going for me. I'd just like some positive reinforcement in my life. My daughter is in the ( lengthy, apparently) process of cleaning out her room, which as led to extra clutter around the house. I had just cleaned all my art stuff up and stored it in my studio. Now, I feel like I'm losing progress. I'm also mighty stressed about my wife's health. She had a mastectomy last Thursday. She's a real trooper. I doubt if I'd be so upbeat about it happening to me. I can tell she's hurting and it hurts me to watch. i know it's not forever, and I know it'll be better in the long run, but I'm having trouble keeping a sunshiney attitude. You never know how strong you can be, until being strong is your only option.
   I'd say that's pretty true. I'm getting back on track (there is no 'try') so, I am showing a little progress. I'm pretty pissed about a painting that's gone missing. I have it sold, just can't find it. It was right there, staring at me for months. Now, someone says "I'll buy it" and POOF! it's gone. That happens more often than you'd think. Conspiracy? Supernatural? I don't know. You tell me.
  I'm testing out online portfolio sites. Not very glamorous, but it's on my list of things I need to do. I'm also looking at print on demand art sites. I really like this one link
    People always say they want prints of my work. Now they can buy 'em. Also phone covers, shower curtains, t-shirts,  lots of things. How cool would it be to have a Doug Baltz shower curtain? Pretty fricking cool! Anyway, check it out. Tell me what you think. Please and thank you.
         AKO ANG HARI
