Thursday, July 27, 2017

Just Checking In

  I've been putting in some effort to cross of some of the things on my to-do list. I've been making myself do some of the less glamorous things on there. I've updated both my websites and They're not quite where I'd like them to be, but they are getting closer. I'm thinking more about selling my art than I am about pushing my art to a new level (although I'm always doing both, to a certain degree). I've even done some new Doug Shoes projects. Mickey Mouse shoes for a two year old:
And some combat boots for an army combat medic:
It's nice to be doing some footwear again. It's been a long time. I'm not sure I could have picked two more different subjects.
   I've also dug out my watercolors again and started doing daily paintings. I'm really happy with the way they've turned out. Watercolors give a lot of people trouble, but I've always had good luck with them. I'm not sure skill is the right word, luck seems to be a better fit. No matter how skilled you are, there's always a degree of luck with this media. Water, ruled by the chaos theory, carries pigment over your paper. The paper that's never really truly level. It's very exciting. At least to me:
  That's pretty much what I've knocked off the list this week. Now, I;m gonna go cross off "post a new blog"


Tuesday, July 11, 2017

I Keep Forgetting This Part

  So, I've finished the commission painting that I worked on for over two weeks. I never thought I'd get done, but I finally crossed the finish line. Carrying a well received painting I might add. I also fought heat exhaustion for a week. Probably just as much fun as it sounds. I pieced together the code for an email list sign up. An email list I should have been putting together at least three years ago, I'm mighty excited about it. I also finished another hand on face painting. A two-fer.
I saw this on a friend's timeline and knew it would make a great painting. I think I'm right:
  After all the hand on face excitement I decided to do some painting just for me. Over a few three foot by two foot canvases that had paintings I no longer liked. I wanted this one to be the one that calmed my nerves and eased my fevered brain, but it zipped out of my brush before I knew it:
  I think it's really cool. Pretty much like I pictured it. I do have another relaxation painting going. It's been easing me back to sane for about ten days now. It'll probably be done really soon.
   Seriously though. You should sign up for my email ravings. Insights into my process and the way I think about things. Previews of new art. Work in progress pictures. Tons of other stuff too. The kind of behind the scenes stuff a real fanatic would appreciate.


Wednesday, July 5, 2017

I'm Starting Another Level Of Service

   So, I'm gonna start an email mailing list. I plan on emailing in progress pictures of my art, advanced viewings of my new works, and a chance to buy my work before anyone else. It'll likely have some behind the scenes stuff. Some of the thought processes that go into my art choices. I'm sure it will evolve over time. I hope it ends up being the coolest thing ever. Anyway, if you're interested send me your email address here and I'll start sending you some artistic tomfoolery. Thanks for stopping by.