Saturday, February 17, 2018

Artistic Weirdness

   I've been paying closer attention to the things that go on around me. This is due, at least in a small part, to my Synchronicity Project ( basically, I pay attention to the world around me and it leads me down the correct creative path). I had an odd series of synchronicity not long after I moved back here (to Cape Girardeau, MO). I had a rough day at work, but finally made it through (without cussing anyone) and stopped at a convenience store for a fountain drink before going home. I figured I would 'hit the head' while I was there, because, you know, never pass up a chance to pee. As I'm standing at the urinal I glance up and see this:
  Wow, okay, not what I was expecting, but I can laugh about it. I post my experience on Facebook and go on with my day. The next day, my first day off, I get up to run errands. One errand involves buying some canvas boards for my Daily Painting series. I go to Hobby Lobby, because it's a no brainer being the only art supply store in town. Breakfast fluids are kicking in, so, off to the restroom. I pick a urinal and breathe a huge sigh of relief. I look up at the tile wall. And, what do I see? this:
   Of course, this makes me laugh. I mean, what are the odds? I take a picture, post my experience and laugh all the rest of the day.  A nifty story, one I'm sure I'll tell for the rest of my life. I told you that story to tell you this one:
   I'm at my day job, waiting tables and hoping to sell enough art to quit. I transferred to this store from my Paducah store. I only work four days a week, lunch shifts. I've met most of the people there, but some only work a few shifts that may be on my days off, or at night. This particular day I'm working with an unfamiliar face. She's very nice, making small talk as our shift goes on. I keep thinking I've seen her somewhere, but I have no idea where it could be. Then, it hits me. I know where I've seen that face. Right here:
  This painting is called "Baby Louise" is a painting I did five or six years ago. I was painting a pose, not a likeness. I was happy with the result, but it was no one I knew, or had seen. Until now. It made me feel like one of my paintings had somehow come to life and followed me to work. I've never heard of anything like this happening to anyone. I can no longer say that. I now anxiously await the next practical joke the universe sends me. Should be fun.


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