Friday, February 15, 2019

Once Again I'm Knocked Back

   So, I haven't posted regularly, again. I decided for the new year I'd motivate myself to do better in all things art related. Even though I wasn't feeling well I was forcing myself to do my Daily Hand Challenge. One ink drawn hand a day.
I did good. Ninety days straight. From the first page of the sketch book 'til the last. I wanted to get better at drawing hands, which was a weakness of mine. I will admit I am better than I was three months ago.
   My real weakness, as of late, has been the business end of the art world. I wanted to post some of my daily paintings, because I have a lot of them to sell. My workhorse computer was giving me problems, so I thought I'd install a less processor intensive Linux distro ( the software that runs the computer, like Windows, only it doesn't give me a headache). I tried getting it stripped down and lean, but it just gave up the ghost. I'm looking for a used laptop to replace it. On a very limited budget. In the mean time I'm trying to get my music computer to do double duty. Stressful, but at least I'm here. I need to start with the painting posts soon.
   The main setback though, has been my recent diagnosis of diabetes. My blood sugar was off the charts. Literally. When I was admitted to the ER their meter wouldn't even read my sugar level. I spent two days in Intensive Care, stressing my poor wife out. When I finally made it back home I was so weak I could barely do anything. I'm building my strength back up, slowly. Slower than I'd like. I didn't realize at the time how badly my body was being beaten. Fortunately I have no kidney damage, and I'm losing weight with an eye toward getting of the insulin shots. I haven't been to work in a month, which certainly hasn't helped things. I'm keeping a good attitude and doing all the things the doctors have been telling me to do. I'm feeling better now than I have in a while. I'm painting more. Not just because I'm supposed to. Because I want to. Now, if only I had that much motivation to post my art.


In case you wanna make a donation to the cause: link

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