Tuesday, July 23, 2019

That's Right, All The Way

   So, I'm back. Not as regularly as I would like to be, but I'm not giving up on this. It's been an adventure as of late. Some health issues in my house and some financial dings. Not stuff I enjoy, but I just gotta keep moving forward.
   I'm working on my next graphic novel (number 4). I have some rough ideas of what I want but I can't seem to find a good opening. Once I get these started it's all down hill from there. Sometimes I have to edit out a bunch of pages, but the story flows once I start it. I have a basic idea and I've written the first page, but I still haven't been visited by the Graphic Novel Muse.
  Also working on animating my first graphic novel, Epitaph. I'm starting from scratch having never animated anything before. It's a challenge teaching yourself an animation style when you have no idea what it's called, or even how to describe it for a Google search. I joined a Facebook group for animators and they've been fantastically helpful. I now have an idea what I'm looking for and I'm studying YouTube tutorials. I've made some basic videos to try out the techniques, but I'm starting to fear my computer may not have enough processing power. I've animated a very basic scene several times but can't get it rendered without my program crashing. I'm hoping for a brand new computer so I can render the basic animations I'm looking for. I could really use a pen tablet (which would be my third, things get lost in the shuffle during moves). I have faith and I hold hope.
  I still paint and I still draw. I'm going back and working on my drawing skills. I'm currently working on my perspective skills from some art books I have. I actually learned about perspective half a century ago, but it's been nice starting over and practicing the basics. I also have some figure drawing classes I'm working. I want to be able to free hand people for some comic/animation projects I have in mind. Always pushing. Always looking to improve.
   Hopefully this doesn't come across as depressing. It's challenging which is exciting to me. Another hurdle to overcome. Another chance to prove that I can, in fact, get it accomplished. I could do without all the health problems though (they're not mine, but a family member's). I have no control over that and I don't like not having control.
  Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee

   So, here's the good stuff:


Sunday, July 7, 2019

So, This Lady Says To Me...

  So, it's Sunday night. I'm done with my day job and I'm getting my plans together for the new week. This is pretty much my Sunday ritual. I make a list of things I want to get done. I copy down any notes I've taken during the week. I make my game plan. I try to do as much art as I can, but the thing I really need to work on is bringing in money to support my artistic goals and dreams. I was recently reminded of a site that I joined: BuyMeACoffee.com. It's a site that promotes the support of creative types (like ya boy here). Basically you can click a button and donate the price of a cup of coffee. No big commitments. No long term contracts (although you can go long term if the mood strikes you). Just a little bit here, and maybe there too. You'd be surprised how these little bits add up. Maybe to the amount needed to publish my next book of art, just as an example (hint, hint). I think I'm gonna start putting the button out here and there just to give my fans a chance to help me out. The chance to be a patron. For the price of a cup of coffee. Buy me a coffeeBuy me a coffee
  And now, here's some art. The real reason you came by.


Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Just To Stay In Touch

  Yeah, I'm writing another blog post. No, I really don't have much to say. That has never stopped me before, so, here we are. I'm staying motivated, doing art every day. Some days more than others, but that's to be expected. It's the whole promoting/selling art thing that I need to do more of. I could really use some help on that part, but that never seems to work out for me. I try to be self sufficient, but there are some things that I enjoy more than others. It's kinda odd really. When I'm waiting tables i can sell and upsell all day long, but I can't seem to get into a flow when it comes to selling my art. I sell enough to keep me from throwing in the towel, but I should really be making a nice living from my art. It really wouldn't take a whole lot of money to be considered a nice living. My standard of living isn't anywhere near the rock star lifestyle I used to live when I was younger. I'm not really complaining, just saying.
  I'm working on a new book of my art. Pictures of my paintings and the stories behind them. Seems more enjoyable than the first volume of my daily painting books. I don't have to go in any order, just what ever painting I think has a good story behind it. I really want to start the fourth book in my graphic novel series. I had a basic idea of what I want, I just can't think of an interesting way to get it started. I also want to do an animated version of my first graphic novel "Epitaph". I know what kind of animation I want to do, but I'm not sure how to go about doing it. I can't form a description of it to do a Google search. Oh, the pain of being an artist!
   That's pretty much where I stand. The AC is out in our house now and it won't be fixed tomorrow, since it's a holiday. I hate the heat and I hate to be uncomfortable. Not much I can do about it now though. I have no idea how to diagnose and/or fix an air conditioning unit. Maybe if I draw enough Those Guys drawings it will help. Couldn't hurt I guess.
