Wednesday, February 1, 2017

More Snappy Answers.

  Alright, so I wanted to start this blog to educate people about the basics of art, kinda explain all the things that people wonder about. Like One Point Perspective, or Informal Balance. I have yet to do any of that. So, with that in mind, I'm gonna continue to wander down this road and see where it leads. Don't worry, I'm bringing art.
  One of the questions I was asked was why some artists find it difficult to receive praise. What's that all about? Well, here comes my stream of conscious. It might have to do with artists always being led to believe they are 'less than'. Outsiders who can't even conform enough to society to at least be musicians.
Or maybe because we always think our work could be better.
Regular Guy: "Hey, that's a great painting!"
Me: "Well, it's okay. I wanted more of an angry look to his face. The brush kinda streaked there, and there. It's a little off center too. I probably shouldn't have even hung this here."
Regular Guy:  "Oh, sorry. I'm just gonna go over, well, not here."
And the self doubt grows.
  The funny thing is that while painting that very painting, said artist was thinking " Oh, yeah! Hell yeah! I'm the Jimi Hendrix of acrylic paint!"
   Personally I had a really bad problem of doing stuff like that. Someone pointed that out to me, and I made a conscious effort to quit. ( I once had a drawing teacher in college. Bill Chamberlain. Great artist. I learned a lot from him. I probably owe a good 30% of what I ended up doing to that man. People skills? Well, not his strong suit. I mean, he taught idiot college kids. Who wouldn't get grouchy after a while? So, his catch phrase was "shut the hell up!" Alright, I'm getting to the point, but you needed some back story.) When ever someone praises one of my works, I picture the spirit of Bill Chamberlain in the sky, staring me down and saying "shut the hell up!". Kinda the Obi Wan to my Luke. It's still hard for me though. Even with the success I've had and the incredibly huge ego I've nourished. Sometimes that little voice creeps up in my head and says (yeah, it doesn't even whisper) "why the hell would anyone want YOUR art?". Sometimes I don't even have an answer. I've won awards, been accepted to galleries internationally, I'm in private collections from coast to coast. Sometimes I feel like it's all gonna be revealed as a big joke. That everyone is in on but me.
  On the other hand, I know quite a few artists who are the exact opposite. Preening about like peacocks, proud of the horrible mess they've created. Now, I'm all for anyone, hell everyone, doing art. But if you have to tell me how good you are, well, guess what? You're not. Bless your heart.

 You didn't really think I'd show someone else's work, did you?

   I was also asked if my life got out of balance when I didn't create often enough. Uh, yeah. Big time. I get irritable. Likely irritating as well. Depressed. I get deep in my feels. It's horrible. I do at least a bit of artwork every day. That helps a lot. Plus, I quit my soul sucking waiter job at the nation wide seafood chain. World of difference.
   I'll leave a few more for next time. I'd like to keep true to my vision for this blog, but I'll go where the people want me to go. Plus, I'm in the middle, or so, of a complete studio overhaul. I actually have room to move other places than just my easel and my computer. Plus Live Plants!

Entertained? Flush with cash? You can kick me a five spot. I'm just sayin': 

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