Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Now I'm Doing This

   Okay, the computer reinstall snafu has pretty much been fixed ( I lost almost all the photos from my newest paintings when I overwrote my back up drive). I'm back on track, doing a new watercolor and a new acrylic every day. Every day. Wow, I had no idea what it would entail. I've decided they should all be faces, since that's my favorite subject. I've been using the same reference for each daily painting lately. It's odd to me just how different they are, even with the same reference and the same point in time:

Which were also from the same picture reference as:
 It's kinda interesting to me how the result depends so much on the media and the size. I'll be talking more about my daily paintings in future blogs. Assuming anyone is interested.


Friday, September 8, 2017

From Hell's Heart

  Okay, here;s what's up. I tried to get the last little bit of performance from my ancient laptop, since I'm apparently unable to procure a newer model ( which almost seems impossible to me, almost anything I could find would give me a better performance). I backed up what I needed on my external hard drive and set out to reinstall my Linux based operating system. I failed to completely wipe the drive the first time, which only added to the bloat on an already overtaxed system. I picked another OS and tried again. No luck. the third try saw me install , but the drive seemed small. It didn't occur to me to stop and think it out, I was hell bent on getting this thing up and running to assist me in my take over of the internet. Okay, something's wrong. I'll figure it out. I pull out my disc that has Xubuntu Linux ready to install. It works like a charm. Drive completely wiped, new OS installed, a leaner/meaner machine. I went to pull my files off of my external drive so I could reinstall my trust computer programs and continue to post my paintings on a daily basis. But, wait...what's this? Files? Files? What the f...Shit, now I know. I inadvertently installed an OS over my files. The files I specifically backed up. Gone. I can get them back. Everything had been posted to Facebook ( I think. God, I hope). So, I'll likely spend the next week or so getting all the pictures back, resized, posted, backed up. Just what I need. More frustration. I am still painting and posting everyday link Some cool stuff, like this:

I'm painting enough to keep my sanity and tune up my brush skills. I'm looking for big things.
