Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Watercolor Review

   So, I've painted every day. I'm not sure how many days I've been going, but it's been quite a while. Probably a good two months. I've always enjoyed watercolors. Even when they do the exact opposite of what I want them to do:
This one was supposed to blend in the damp paper. Instead, it ran like a scared dog. I tried to salvage it with some white gauche, but I'm not happy with it. At all. I only posted it because I promised to paint every day and post the results. Plus, I'm sure a lot of people will like it. That's the beauty of art. There's also this one:
Not my best work, nor one of my favorites. It is for sale. They all are actually:
   Now, painting everyday has helped me shake off the ring rust.I think that these are some of my best paintings. Ever.

Minimalistic and moody.
Graphic and muted.
Minimal and vibrant.
She looks right through you. I think that one eye says everything.

I simply love these two. Sharpie drawings with just the right amount of color. I think the guy in the cowboy hat is one of the best piece of art I've ever created. 

   Maybe I should have done this first, but here's the first one I did in the daily series:
I'm very happy with it, especially considering I hadn't watercolored in years.



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