Sunday, January 20, 2019

Crawling, But At Least Going Forward

   Okay, I'm here again. I've had some trouble getting motivated as of late. Especially when it comes to getting artwork sold. I've been doing challenges and such and it keeps me creating on a daily basis. My wife bought me an easel for my birthday in December, and I've found a taboret ( a small table for holding art supplies while an artist creates.) so I've been working on a big sized painting. It hasn't been flowing out like I would hope it would, but I'm working on it.
   I've also been to the doctor, who prescribed new medicine for me. It's helping with my digestive issues, but it gives me horrible cotton mouth, which in turn causes me to drink a lot of liquid. Fortunately a lot of the liquid is water, which in turn is helping me to lose weigh. That's a good thing, but all this peeing is starting to get to me. I suppose i should find a happy medium soon. And I should be happy that I've dropped about twenty five pounds so far. Without and dietary changes. I'm also feeling kinda light headed at times, I have a hard time motivating, my vision seems kinda blurry, and I'm tired a lot of the time. Could also be the weather I suppose. I guess I'll fight through.
    My latest project has been a Hand Challenge. I've been drawing a hand every day, in ink. Hands have notoriously given me trouble, so I'm gonna improve. Just like I did with faces. I do feel like I'm making progress. I haven't missed a day yet, which is a good thing. However I have no idea how many days in a row I've done, which is not so good. Here's some hands:

  I still do some small acrylics on a semi-daily basis:

 So, I'm still creating, but I'm having trouble making progress on the business end of things. I do have a GoFundMe right now in hopes of raising money for some of the dozen or so projects I've been wanting to start. I was hoping to do better. Any little bit helps, even if it's only a dollar. Everything is appreciated. I hope for this to get me going all the way through summer. Anyway, that's where I'm at.


P.S. I've had to reboot my computer twice today. Mo problems

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