Monday, January 28, 2019

Death's Door (Again)

  I'm trying to get back in the swing of things. If you follow my ramblings you know that I haven't felt well for a while. It's been a struggle to get motivated to get anything done. So, my wife talks me in to going to see the doctor. I actually felt so bad that I agreed right off the bat. Normally you've gotta drag me kicking and screaming. So, turns out the doctor sends me immediately to the ER, where I'm admitted as soon as I get there. My blood sugar was so high their instruments couldn't read it. Diabetes. Yikes! I was in the hospital for two days, hooked up to all sorts of IVs and poked and prodded my the medical professionals. And the shots. Oh, the shots. I felt like I was fifty percent insulin by the time they let me go home. But, I am home. My sugar is getting closer to normal. I'm not supposed to be doing anything strenuous. (I had trouble even walking for a few days.) I spent some time sorting and organizing the studio. I missed four days on my daily art. I had no idea it had been so long. I thought it was one day. I'm out of work, so I have time to sleep, recover, and paint. Because I want to paint, not because I'm supposed to. The first few efforts fizzled out, but that's okay. I'm still moving. I still have my GoFundMe if you want to add a few bucks. I had a speck of an idea yesterday. Faces and lines and geometry. No idea if it will work out, but I'm working a sketchbook pretty hard to see if it solidifies. So, that's my story. I didn't change any names, 'cause no one is innocent. Now, here's some art:


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