Saturday, April 20, 2019

Making Do

    It's been a while. Longer than I wanted. My computer setup is not ideal for me since my laptop crapped out. I've tried for several weeks to find a good used one (there's no way I can afford a new one, and actually a new one won't fit my needs) with no luck.  But, I make do.
    I've also finished the first volume of my Daily Painting book. All of my daily paintings from my year of doing one watercolor and one acrylic painting every day. I'm very happy with the way it turned out, and I've already sold a few copies. I'm gonna order more, so if you want one let me know (52 luscious pages, $15). It's been a rude awakening to realize how well my organization of my paintings that year went. Mostly they were in order, but there were three or four that I somehow didn't post on all my social media. It took quite a few hours to list all my paintings and  more than a few more to lay out the pages for my book. Stressful? Yes. i almost gave up a few times, but I soldiered on. You know, I make do.
   I've also completely redone my studio. I had some issues that I didn't plan for, so I moved a few things around, which made it so I had to move a few more. Pretty much every thing has been moved. There's no way I could have foreseen these problems, so I'm not too bitter about it. I like the new layout much better. I just need to get a window unit to cool it off a bit. It gets mighty hot in the summer time and I don't do heat very well. My easel is set up in a better spot. Not where I thought it would be, but it a good spot. I like the way things have turned  out, 'cause, you know, I make do art.
    Art like this:


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