Monday, May 6, 2019


  Okay, here's a little update of my progress, for those of you keeping track at home. I've had some computer issues, as you may already know, but thanks to my hard work and determination I've gotten myself caught back up on (most) all things art related. I post my artwork on my DeviantART profile. I use it as my online portfolio. It works well, but there's a lot of art on there. In fact, I just posted my 1,988th piece on there. Of course, that doesn't count the 501 Zen drawings I've done:
( These started out with me doing zentangles, but I've twisted that into my own personal Zen. Like them or not, I find them to be very relaxing). That also doesn't count the 355 Those Guys drawings that I've done:
(These started out as sketchbook drawings I did to work on faces, using only three lines for the face; eyes, nose, mouth. I wanted to see if I could express emotion using only the basics. Somehow they became very popular. Who am I to argue with their success?). So, all together, right now, that's 2,844 pieces of art. Not counting what's in all my sketchbooks. Also not counting the six paintings leaning on my easel waiting to be photographed and posted (I'm getting to them!). I feel pretty good about my progress, but one can only wonder where I'd be if I had gotten serious about this when I was in my early twenties instead of being a bonehead. Ah, well, in an alternate universe...


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