Tuesday, April 18, 2017

The First Hand/Face Painting

  So, I'm starting the project I talked about in my last blog . I got a few submissions. Not nearly as many as I'd have liked, but I'm sure more of my friends and fans will send me inspiration. Here, in case you want to send me a cool picture (hand touching face, get creative! challenge me!). I took some blank canvases and smeared them with paint. Sometimes it helps to get some color going. Sometimes it's just nice not to stare at a blank white canvas. I chose a canvas:
I picked out a reference. This one was sent in by my friend Laura, although it's a picture of her daughter:
 I like this one because it's at an odd angle. Looking down and not full frontal face. Not a three quarter view either. Anyway, it just struck me when I sat down at my easel. So, here goes. This is what happened:

  I've never done a painting on video before. I had trouble holding my phone and painting. I started out on this one holding my phone in front of me. It was very difficult to see my hand with a brush and then see it on my phone too. I kinda got off center at the end there too. (Also these videos were too long to upload on here. I had to upload them to YouTube, which took longer than it did to paint this painting.) That was the 'adding white' phase. Which, of course, is followed by the 'adding black' phase:

  At this point it's pretty much done. I did tweak a few things. Typically, at this point, I like to look at a painting for a while to see what needs to be done. Sometimes something bothers me and I can't quite figure out what it is. In this case I didn't have that problem. I didn't video the rest, just for my sanity I guess. I added some touches of white:

Then, after this dried for a couple minutes, I did another pass in black:
You can see that the paint is still wet on this. After this step i look to see if I need to go back with the white. I didn't see anything that bothered me, so this is the final result:
I suppose it's called "Ella". I really liked this one. It went quickly. The two videos are unedited. That's the amount of time it took, plus about another four or so minutes to do the final passes. I've noticed that I see things I wish were different, but I think it's just due to me putting it all out here. I like the way the subject and the painted canvas go together. I was looking for light and dark patterns to match up to each other. I think it went quite well overall. I'm anxious to hear what you think. Comment on here, or email me, of hit me up on Facebook. Of course, you're welcome to send a monetary compliment:


Edit: I didn't realize when I was recording these that there would be sound on them. I've been going through my playlist alphabetically, and I was in the T's during this time. That is why Tone Loc was playing in my studio. I make no apologies for listening to him however.

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