Wednesday, October 25, 2017

So, Here's What Happens

  The project continues, Majestically I might add. Lots of things coming from it. Many unexpected. I now have the saying "At least Just Try". Several other combinations of words and letters grace the pages of the sketchbook. I've also honed my painting chops by painting every day. Here's a couple from early on:

 Now, several weeks later my works look like this:

On the down side, I'm painting so much that I'm having trouble keeping things organized in my portfolio. I did, however, recently post my 1,000th piece in my online portfolio on DeviantART.


Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Some Thoughts On My Progress

  I've been doing the Majestic (Synchronicity) Project for a while. Keeping my eyes and ears open for any hints as to where I need to be taking my art. Painting in watercolor and acrylics every day. Every day. It's mighty hard to keep up with posting my new art when I have over twenty five pieces each week. I has forced me to have more discipline in doing the less fun parts of my art. I've done some really good (IMHO) paintings on the daily project:

  Plus these two I did on the same day:

  I've also got some interesting words and phrases. Nothing new there, I've been carrying a book with me  to write them down for well over a decade. I did have this gem come to me out of the blue:
     I'm like the son of Joe Cocker and Scarlett O'Hara. I get by with a little help from my friends, but I've also depended upon on the kindness of strangers.
   That may not help me with my art, but it did make me laugh.


Wednesday, October 11, 2017

Synchronicity Update

  Here's the latest on my project. The one that I can't quite explain to anyone. I've been keeping my eyes an ears open, painting and drawing daily, and working my sketchbook. I realized that I was getting way more words than pictures. So, I decided to do a painting with words. I have no idea really what that means, but it sounded like something earth shattering. I though I had an extra recycled canvas laying around, but I didn't, so this overtook another project. In another existence thats the one I did. Maybe some day I'll find out which was better. So, the idea is words...on a canvas.., see where it leads. Here's step one:
Random words and phrases running through my head. In case you weren't aware I'm seldom modest in my studio. It doesn't look finished, so, more words:
Do you see the magic starting to appear? Yeah, me neither:
Words. Black and white. The essence of truth and the answer to the sum of all mysteries of the universe:

 I suppose any day now the layer will be applied that explains it all to me. Hopefully I can pass that on to my fans. Keep your fingers crossed'



Wednesday, October 4, 2017

My Synchronicity Project

  This is my latest venture (adventure?). I call it the Synchronicity Project, or Majestic. Basically I'm keeping my eyes and ears open for any signals from the universe as to where my art needs (wants?) to go. If a word or phrase comes to me, I write it down. Any songs that appear out of the usual could also be a sign. I'm keeping everything together in a new sketchbook. Piecing things together, keeping track of things, looking for hidden connections. It's hard to explain. I'm not even sure I know what to expect, but I know the thought of it has me excited for the first time in a long time. I'm finishing a lot of half done pieces. I'm finishing a three piece commission. I'm en fuego. I started a new piece, a big canvas, and I had an idea of what I wanted. I laid out several faces in it. Lots of expression and emotion. I showed the progress to my family:
They seem to think it's done. I want to make it wwwaaaayyyy darker. So, I'm appealing to all my friends and fans. What do you think? I'm trying to make this whole project interactive, give the fans a say in things, keep them in on the process. So, what's it gonna be? You have four days.