Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Some Thoughts On My Progress

  I've been doing the Majestic (Synchronicity) Project for a while. Keeping my eyes and ears open for any hints as to where I need to be taking my art. Painting in watercolor and acrylics every day. Every day. It's mighty hard to keep up with posting my new art when I have over twenty five pieces each week. I has forced me to have more discipline in doing the less fun parts of my art. I've done some really good (IMHO) paintings on the daily project:

  Plus these two I did on the same day:

  I've also got some interesting words and phrases. Nothing new there, I've been carrying a book with me  to write them down for well over a decade. I did have this gem come to me out of the blue:
     I'm like the son of Joe Cocker and Scarlett O'Hara. I get by with a little help from my friends, but I've also depended upon on the kindness of strangers.
   That may not help me with my art, but it did make me laugh.


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