Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Artist Problems

So, I've been reorganizing my portfolio, after the unfortunate issue with my back up drive . I found some really cool pictures that I had forgotten about. Here's some more. They're the "making of" pictures of Picasso:
I really like this one. It hangs in my bedroom. It's the first thing I see, after my wife, every day. I'm quite proud of it. It's six feet tall and four feet wide. Massive artistic goodness. So, here's how I made it. First, I attached four canvases together. Then I laid out the rough areas of the face:
Nothing special so far. His hair makes him look like a mad scientist. I'll fix that. Here's the next step:
Okay, so nothing happened in between these two. I'm not sure why I took an extra shot of this stage, but who am I to question myself? It does show part of my studio, which was in the basement of the house I grew up in. I was taking care of my mother at the time. It was a pretty cool studio. Anyway, I'm gonna be taking a sea sponge, dipping it in black, and blending in the roughed out patches of color: 

I darkened the hand and shoulder after this one. Turns out there weren't really a whole lot of 'in progress pictures'. Sorry. At least this will give more of an idea of how I did things back then. Pre digital camera. So, here's another series. The only other on I have. I'm not sure why this one got photographed. It's not a bad painting, just nothing really different from what I was doing. Oh, well, why ask why?
I roughed out the picture in black and white, then brushes layer upon layers of thin paint to give it the color. The white patches on the right side are from me getting excess paint out of my brush. On my canvas. I'd adjust my easel to hold them horizontally and sometimes I'd even mix paint on the painting itself. I obey no rules. Sometimes I would blend colors, sometimes just build them up. this particular one doesn't have any tonal blending in it. It's all gonna get done with black paint. My go to.
I was always amazed at how much the paintings change at this stage. I never got tired of these. I don't know how other artists feel, but I felt amazing doing these. No self doubt. No problem I couldn't face. It never sucks to be me when I'm
in the studio.


Wednesday, November 22, 2017

So, That was Pretty Cool

  My computer files with my art portfolio in them are pretty screwed up. It all started with an update of my computer that accidentally overwrote my main back up drive. Completely my fault. I wasn't paying attention to what I was doing. So, I set out to put the thing back together. I had other back ups. I'm not a barbarian. As I rebuild it and put it back on my back up drive I get motivated and decide to declutter and reorganize my portfolio. Because I'm a professional like that *cue laughter*. I get impatient and try to force the transfers to go quicker. You probably see where this is going. The files get corrupted. Not the end of the world, but frustrating. I have more back ups. Apparently not as up to date, but I got 'em. I'm sorting, rebuilding, making all kinds of progress. Then, I think about a painting called "The Hunter"
And I realize I don't have a picture. No problem, I'll download it from DeviantART. It's my online portfolio. However, a search of my gallery reveals it's not on there. Somehow. So, this painting has mysteriously disappeared from my computer and my online portfolios. Okay. Whatever. I decide to go lay down and relax (I am recovering from the flu. Types A and B. Go big or go home).Then, It hits me. I have DVDs of backups. Sure enough the DVD marked Big Portfolio Backup has it. And others. So many others. One's I had forgotten. Some I still don't recall painting. But, some of the jewels are the 'in progress' pics of Fear Finds Felicia.

 This was pre-digital. I'm not sure what prompted me to use film for this, but what a great decision. So, anyway here they are:
This was supposed to be a stand alone abstract.
I'm pretty sure less than a dozen people have seen these before now. You want awesome content? There it is. Thanks for dropping by.


Wednesday, November 1, 2017

Watercolor Review

   So, I've painted every day. I'm not sure how many days I've been going, but it's been quite a while. Probably a good two months. I've always enjoyed watercolors. Even when they do the exact opposite of what I want them to do:
This one was supposed to blend in the damp paper. Instead, it ran like a scared dog. I tried to salvage it with some white gauche, but I'm not happy with it. At all. I only posted it because I promised to paint every day and post the results. Plus, I'm sure a lot of people will like it. That's the beauty of art. There's also this one:
Not my best work, nor one of my favorites. It is for sale. They all are actually:
   Now, painting everyday has helped me shake off the ring rust.I think that these are some of my best paintings. Ever.

Minimalistic and moody.
Graphic and muted.
Minimal and vibrant.
She looks right through you. I think that one eye says everything.

I simply love these two. Sharpie drawings with just the right amount of color. I think the guy in the cowboy hat is one of the best piece of art I've ever created. 

   Maybe I should have done this first, but here's the first one I did in the daily series:
I'm very happy with it, especially considering I hadn't watercolored in years.
