Friday, January 26, 2018

Making A Push

   I've been in my new studio for about a month now. I now have most of my brushes and paint up here, but still lack my easels and canvases. I'm still keeping my consecutive day painting streak alive, but beyond that I'm not doing as much art. So, in a when-life-gives-you-lemons kinda way I've been spending way more time on the business end of my art. In this vein I reanimated my Etsy store. I've posted over fifty paintings on there, so if you've ever wanted one of my paintings, there's no better time than today. Here's a few examples of what's being sold:

So, stop by. Relax, enjoy. Maybe buy a painting or two. Before it's too late.



Thursday, January 18, 2018

Six Months Later

   So, I've been doing watecolor paintings and acrylic paintings once a day, as an artistic challenge. It started out with just a watercolor painting every day, but about two months in I thought, " You know, this is pretty rigorous, but maybe I should make it even more demanding.", so I added a daily acrylic painting to my regimen. It was pretty challenging at first (probably how the 'challenge' got its name) but as I've gone on it has gotten easier. I checked my start date for the watercolors against the current date and realized I have been doing them for over six months. The only day I missed was when I had Flu Type A & B, but I had an extra painting in case I ever needed one. In hind sight I wish I would have painted on that day. I was wacked out of my head with fever and I bet it would have been some cool art. Oh, well, come near death due to illness and learn I suppose. So, here's the first watercolor:

   Here's one of my recent ones:
  You can tell I painted both of them, but I can tell (maybe you can) that I'm getting better every day. This challenge (and the acrylic on as well) have been really good for me. Honing my painting chops. Building my discipline. I'm very proud of the progress I've made. I anticipated doing this/these challenges for 365 days. I'm better than half way there. I'll keep you posted. However, if you want more insights than I provide here, feel free to join my email mailing list. It just might change your life.


Wednesday, January 10, 2018


   So, here I sit in my studio in Cape Girardeau, Missouri. It's gonna be really cool. When it's done. When my art supplies finally make it here from Kentucky. It's very frustrating. I have great ideas. I have lots of art supplies, just not here with me. I've got space to spread out. I make do with what I have. It's really the only choice I have right now. When you have no choice, embrace your destiny. I've organized all my notes. Set up my computers. Planned the final design of my studio. And, every night, I paint a watercolor and an acrylic painting. I organize my portfolio. I concentrate on making sales. And I dream. I dream of a day when it all comes together. And then, I smile. 'Cause I know it's all gonna work out. Anyway, here's some art. I know that's why you're here.

  And, as always, here's a place to make a donation to support my art. If you wanna:


Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Birthing A New Studio

   I'm in the process of moving back to my home town in Missouri. Back into the house I grew up in. My new studio will be in the bedroom where I first slept. It's gonna be a wonderful thing. When it finally gets done. I won't go in to all the stones in our passway as we've moved here from Paducah, KY, but there have been a lot of them. Nothing that I would call 'normal' or 'expected'. I've been here in the new, and soon to be improved, Darkwater Studios for about two weeks. Most of my art supplies are still in Paducah. I have a couple sketchbooks and enough supplies to do my daily watercolors and acrylics. I was supposed to be transferring my job up here, but that hasn't happened yet. The stress is really getting to me. Maybe it's making my art better. Maybe it's shortening my life. I guess only time will tell. In the mean time I'm trying to sell my art to get the bills paid. Not at all how I pictured it being, but hopefully on the path to get back to some for of normalcy. Well, here's some of the new art:

   I'm quite proud of them. If you're interested in buying any of my art, drop me an email and we'll work a deal. If you'd like to make a donation to help me get my stuff up here, all in one place, here's the way to do it:

   Anything you can spare would be very helpful.
