Thursday, January 18, 2018

Six Months Later

   So, I've been doing watecolor paintings and acrylic paintings once a day, as an artistic challenge. It started out with just a watercolor painting every day, but about two months in I thought, " You know, this is pretty rigorous, but maybe I should make it even more demanding.", so I added a daily acrylic painting to my regimen. It was pretty challenging at first (probably how the 'challenge' got its name) but as I've gone on it has gotten easier. I checked my start date for the watercolors against the current date and realized I have been doing them for over six months. The only day I missed was when I had Flu Type A & B, but I had an extra painting in case I ever needed one. In hind sight I wish I would have painted on that day. I was wacked out of my head with fever and I bet it would have been some cool art. Oh, well, come near death due to illness and learn I suppose. So, here's the first watercolor:

   Here's one of my recent ones:
  You can tell I painted both of them, but I can tell (maybe you can) that I'm getting better every day. This challenge (and the acrylic on as well) have been really good for me. Honing my painting chops. Building my discipline. I'm very proud of the progress I've made. I anticipated doing this/these challenges for 365 days. I'm better than half way there. I'll keep you posted. However, if you want more insights than I provide here, feel free to join my email mailing list. It just might change your life.


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